
Demographic shock: trends and opportunities

CPRAM presents a special report on "Demographic shocks: trends and opportunities", co-written by the Strategy team and the Thematic Management team. 

This publication is unique in that it deciphers the economic and social impact of demographic phenomena that are already at work and are set to continue over the long term. Demographic phenomena obviously include the aging of the population, its increase worldwide, and population decline in certain countries. 

Published on 10 June 2024


In summary

Among the conclusions of this publication is the fact that the deceleration in population growth will result in a trend weakening of global growth, with significant economic, social and financial repercussions. Among these, and also driven by population ageing in some countries, public finances and interest rates - via the evolution of savings - will be under significant strain. The publication also explores how the labor market is responding to the challenge of aging, and in particular the complex relationship between aging and productivity. 

While a historic demographic event took place in 2023 - India became the world's most populous country, a title that had been held by China for several centuries - the demographic dynamics of each country diverge. While China's ageing population is accelerating rapidly, India's youthful population is providing the country with a substantial demographic dividend. But if India is to establish itself as an engine of global economic growth, it will first have to overcome a number of challenges to ensure long-term, sustainable development.

Finally, the publication closes with an analysis of the consumption habits of the "silver" population, opening up a wealth of opportunities for companies, who are invited to rethink their marketing strategies and innovate to meet the changing needs of an aging population, while offering solutions that promote an active, healthy and fulfilling life for years to come.

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