The future is our today
We observe up-close the megatrends that will be playing out in the future and regard them as investment opportunities

Artificial Intelligence
Embrace the acceleration of the generative AI adoption

Climate Transition
Guaranteeing our future, climate action is an urgent priority for today

Disruption as an investment thematic consists in selecting companies identified as “disruptive”
Find your product in our offer
Responsible Investment: our first priority
We very early chose to be an actor of change by making Responsible Investment a hallmark of our strategies.

From megatrends to thematic investing
Megatrends are playing out on a vast scale. They are transforming our civilisations from top to bottom, impacting our daily lives and already shaping our future. They are coming into focus over long stretches of time - at least a decade, often more - and are, on the whole, independent of economic cycles. Hence, their essential character for investors and the need to grasp them fully.
Thematic investing takes full advantage of this time scale and connects investment to the world's realities.
Our latest news
CPR Asset Management in a few figures
Bn € in assets under management
employees, ⅓ of whom in investment management
years of experience
Source : CPR Asset Management, as of 31/12/2024
Our key strategies
Thematic investing
An innovative range of thematic investment solutions.
Factor investing
An offering based on a quantitative process for selecting factors and companies.
For more than 30 years, asset allocation has been one of our core capabilities.
Fixed Income
Global coverage of the bond universe with a broad range of solutions.
Liquidity solutions
Actively managed cash solutions that focus on liquidity and risk management.
Megatrend news
Discover all the latest news on the major trends that define the world of today and shape that of tomorrow.